
The Beauty Detox Diet

The Beauty Detox Diet  

The Beauty Detox Diet is really more of a cleansing program than a weight loss diet. However, creator Kimberly Snyder a nutritionist, and celebrity fitness expert. Claims that in addition to ridding the body of harmful toxins, the program improves appearance and overall health, gets rid of wrinkles, acne, splotchy skin, and helps you to lose weight.

The Beauty Detox Diet consist of 3 phases. Participants are to stay in each phase for at least 1 month, before moving to the next phase. Dieters can choose to stay in any one of the phases and not participate in the others if they prefer to do so. The 3 phase of the diet, include;
  • Blossoming beauty phase- In this phase, dieters are taught to manage yeast and adjust to a new diet of alkaline full fruits and vegetables.
  • Radiant beauty phase- In this phase, dieters are to only eat alkaline food in the morning and drink green smoothies.
  • True beauty phase- In this phase, dieters are to derink green juice every morning and reduce consumption of animal protein.
The design of this diet plan is focused on reducing the accumalation of toxins in the body. The suggested diet menu of participants should be filled with 80% alkali forming fruits and vegetables, and the remaining 20% of the diet with seeds, whole grains, avocado, raw meats, and small amounts of animal protein. The diet also encourages an active lifestyle along with yoga and gentle exercising.

With the Beauty Detox Diet some of the reccomended foods are, coconut, fish, seafood, raw goat cheese, sprouts, miso, green juice, beans and legumes, raw nuts, seeds, vegetables, sea vegetables, organic maple syrup, organic hormone free meat, green smoothies, raw honey, buckwheat noodles, stevia, raw cacao and quinoa.

Unlike most diets, which focus on lower calories, carbs, or fat. The Beauty Detox Diet focuses on reduction of toxins, improvement of digestion, to accomplish weigh loss, beauty enhancement, and health improvement.

Does it Work?

The consumption of vegetables and fruit provide necessary nutrients for the body. Reduction of animal fat in ones diet, helps reduce health problems such as heart disease and cancer. Such a raw diet also helps reduce digestive problems such as indigestion, constipation, and bloating. The program does offer menus for one week for each phase of the program. People that are looking to lose massive amounts of weight are not generally advised to go on this diet. It is more of a healthy lifestyle change, that also promotes the losing of weight.